Game Feel Demo

Welcome to the Game Feel demo! This is a simple demonstration that lets you experiment with various aspects of game feel. Customize your experience by enabling or disabling different features in the settings menu located at the top left.


1. Sound

- Enable or disable audio for an immersive or silent experience.

2. Screen Shake

- Adds screen shake effects for when bullets hit enemies and when enemies die.

3. Particles

- Movement Particles: Adds particles for player movement.

- Death Particles: Adds particles when the dummy dies.

- Hit Particles: Adds particles when the dummy is hit.

4. Physics

- Improved gravity and jump control.

- Adds knockback to bullets.

- Adds input buffering for smoother controls.

5. Textures

- Replaces basic images with textured ones for a richer visual experience.


- Move: A and D

- Jump: Space

- Shoot: Left Mouse Button

Enjoy experimenting with these settings to see what you like and don't like. Have fun!

Published 20 days ago
GenreEducational, Platformer, Shooter
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Experimental

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